How Does a Chiropractor Diagnose Neck Pain?
Your best chiropractor will evaluate your spine as a whole because other regions of the neck (cervical), mid back (thoracic) and low back (lumbar) may be affected as well. Along with treating the spine as a whole, chiropractors treat the whole person, not just your specific symptoms. He or she may educate you on nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle goals in addition to treating your neck pain.
Your chiropractor will start by asking you to perform an inspection of your neck. The best chiropractor will understand the function of your neck muscles and give you a simple warm-up to help loosen and straighten those muscles. He or she may ask you to rest your neck for five to ten minutes then move it back and forth slowly several times in a row, watching for any excessive contractions or excessive range of motion. After you’re feeling better, your chiropractor may ask you to put on a neck brace or corset to limit movements. Your brace or corset may be secured by straps or cuffs.
Your brace or corset will limit your range of motion and help reduce your symptoms, so your chiropractor will likely have you perform stabilization exercises and massage. Your best chiropractor will also have you do simple stretches and rehabilitative activities. The brace or corset will also help reduce any nerve irritation in the area. Your brace or corset will limit the amount of time you can perform tasks, and they may have a light that illuminates so you can see them. They’re usually worn for several weeks, but they can be removed at any time to allow you to return to your normal activities. Your brace or corset will only be appropriate for up to six weeks.
Your brace or corset can help reduce your symptoms and help reduce your pain. They can help prevent the problem from worsening. Your brace or corset is only appropriate for up to six weeks, however, you may be required to have them longer if your symptoms are severe. Your brace or corset is worn for several weeks, and your brace or corset can help to limit your range of motion and help reduce your symptoms, so your chiropractor will likely have you perform exercises to help improve your range of motion. Your brace or corset will only be appropriate for up to six weeks.
Your brace or corset will help reduce your symptoms and help decrease any pain. They can help to prevent the problem from worsening.
Your brace or corset will help reduce any pain you may be experiencing. They can help to reduce your symptoms and help reduce your pain. They can help to decrease any pain and allow you to return to your normal activities.
Your brace or corset is only appropriate for up to six weeks. This means that they’re only appropriate for you to return to your usual activities. Your brace or corset will be removed once the pain has been completely reduced.
Looking for the top chiropractor in Alderwood? At Back to Action Chiropractic Center, the top chiropractor, Dr. Jerry Dreessen is compassionate and experienced, and he will work to create an individualized plan that meets your needs. Reach out to the cheap chiropractor in Alderwood today at (425) 670-2600 to schedule a consultation and take your first step towards healing. Visit our website at www.backtoaction.com or visit our clinic at Back To Action Chiropractic Clinic.